Six of the Most Ancient Depictions of Jesus
1. The Healing of the Paralytic
This is believed to be the oldest painting of Jesus in the world that still exists. It is a clear depiction of Christ and dates back to about 235 AD.
2. The Dura-Europos Graffito
Often called the earliest depiction of Jesus, this graffito is difficult to date but has been estimated to have been made around the year 200 AD.
3. The Good Shepherd
This is a common early Christian depiction of Jesus as a shepherd. It is found in many catacombs and other early Christian sites.
4. The Catacomb of Priscilla
This catacomb contains several early Christian paintings, including one of Jesus with the apostles Peter and Paul.
5. The Catacomb of Domitilla
This catacomb contains a painting of Jesus teaching his disciples. It is one of the earliest known depictions of Jesus teaching.
6. The Catacomb of Commodilla
This catacomb contains a painting of Jesus with the apostles Peter and Paul. It is one of the earliest known depictions of Jesus with the apostles.