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Miami's May Weather: Warmth, Sunshine, and a Hint of Rain


May marks the transition from spring to summer in Miami, with temperatures steadily rising. The average daily high rises from 83°F (28°C) at the beginning of the month to 85°F (29°C) by the end. The average daily low also increases slightly, from 74°F (23°C) to 76°F (24°C).


May is one of Miami's wetter months, with an average of 4.5 inches of rain. However, rainfall is typically sporadic, with occasional heavy downpours alternating with sunny breaks. The chance of rain on any given day is around 30-40%.


May is known for its high humidity, averaging around 75%. This can make the heat feel even hotter, so it's important to stay hydrated and seek shade during the warmest hours.


Miami enjoys plenty of sunshine in May. The city averages 7-8 hours of direct sunlight daily, providing ample time to soak up the warmth and enjoy outdoor activities.


May in Miami is a time of transition, marked by rising temperatures, occasional rain, and abundant sunshine. While it can be a bit hot and humid at times, the beautiful weather makes it an ideal month to explore Miami's beaches, parks, and cultural attractions.
